Hen and Stag in Letterkenny
Thinking about booking a Hen or Stag Party in Letterkenny? Why not consider have it in Sligo!. Our team at Hen and Stag Sligo book thousands of parties every year in the party capital of the Northwest.
Both Letterkenny and Sligo have long been extremely popular destinations for hens and stags from all over Ireland & the UK. However, Sligo which is also known as the adventure capital of Ireland has now become even more as a destination due to the vast number of packages available with affordable accommodations. Like Letterkenny - Sligo is easily accessible via train, bus services and has major road networks to all large cities. Both Letterkenny and Sligo have local populations nearly 20,000 and thriving tourism markets particularly in the Summer months. Capacity throughout the year is somewhat greater in Sligo compared to Sligo given the bigger number hotels and particularly in the summer when most of the self-catering apartments become available.
There are some really activities in both Letterkenny and Sligo for hen/stag parties such as Clay Pigeon Shooting, Surfing and Life Nude Painting to name a few. Sligo compared to Letterkenny offers a couple of other activities such as Crystal Maze, Zip-Lining and horse-racing which are all very popular.
So whether it's Letterkenny or Sligo - you're sure to get an incredible hen or stag party. Check out our amazing packages and feel free to call our team on 074 971 4004 if you have any queries.